The ancient question asked by countless sales managers: "How many units will you sell this month?" Then you are encouraged to answer with a number. And then... you lie ! You are forced to lie because you have been asked to put the cart before the horse so that you can be pummeled by disappointment. Take a moment to examine how you can establish unit goals with pin-point accuracy.
How many units do you want to sell?
- Be honest with yourself.
- Don't set your unit mark just to beat someone else . (We'll talk about establishing purpose next time.)
- This is your decision, because different levels of achievement are harnessed at the sacrifice of other components of your life such as family time, hobbies and other activities that are important to you.
Write your mark in positive language :
- I will sell _____ units this pay-period!
Forecast the activity necessary to achieve your desired outcome:
- Contact _____ fresh leads.
- Create _____ new buyers from the fresh leads.
- Follow up with all buyers.
- Present your offering to 100% of your prospects. (Achieve an 80% presentation rate)
- Present purchase/enrollment proposals to 100% of your prospects that have received a feature/benefit presentation of your offering. (Achieve a 50% proposal rate.)
- Come to terms and close 30% of those that have received a written proposal from you.
- Now, your realistic Unit Goal is ______. (You may need to reconsider that number you shared with your sales manager!)
Example: I have 15 prospects rolling into this period. I make 10 calls per day (or more, depending on your industry) to create 30 interested individuals, businesses or organizations. (This is a 12% success rate.) Of the now 45 buyers that are in my sights, I successfully present my offering to 36 (80%) of them. 18 of these buyers accept proposals so that they have all the information necessary to make an intelligent decision. 6 buyers (30%) take ownership of my product or service offering and live happily ever after.
What you have now established is a method with which you can measure the results of your efforts. At any given time during your sales period you can make necessary adjustments to either stay or get back on track. Keep in mind that as you hone the skills necessary to move to each subsequent stage your closing ratio will improve thereby allowing you to revisit your Activity Forecast success rate.
Prove me wrong.
Now, get out there and sell something !
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