Monday, July 14, 2008

Give, Give, Give...

That's it in a nut-shell. Each night before our four-year-old son drifts off to sleep, my wife and I encourage him to recall the day and share with us that for which he is most grateful. Some days it's popsicles, other days it might be his "blankie." But tonight our little guy was grateful that he was able to help a butterfly get away from some birdies. My wife asked him how he did that. He replied, "I just gave the birdies some more sunflower seeds!" You could have knocked me over with a feather.

Our son loves to watch butterflies when he is playing in the yard and the birds keep him company outside the windows when he's eating breakfast. This was not premeditated in the least. It was simply a thoughtless, innocent gesture that provided perpetual joy for our little guy. There is a lesson here, don't you think?

The innocent perform acts of giving that we pass by everyday. He gave without even considering how he would benefit from this act of giving. Not as most adults would do. Most of us would not have noticed the natural progression of nature that was taking place, but through the repetition of reciting that for which he is grateful every night our universe, or God if you will, returned the gesture by allowing him to continue to enjoy the butterflies as he frolics in the yard and the birds as he prepares to take on the day (with unbelievable fervor!).

It's as simple as that and you know it. The more you give the more you will receive.

Lend a hand and be grateful that you are able.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this!!! One thing we can DO with a huge "D" is do..So much need. Love, kindness, and Joy are free gifts of spirit. Many people count the coin because and only because it can be empirically measured.. but it is only Love that is giving freely and in the moment that is forever treasured. Maybe..many
may never have monetary worth, but my heart is full from all the giving and receiving I have found in each and every selfless act... This much I know and feel is true and everlasting regardless and will go on and on and on into eternity.. Amen, peace, and Om